English Tunnel
Friday, Saturdays & Sundays
in June, July & August
Reservation Required
11 am
Free with admission to the historic site
The tour is limited to 10 people
People 8 years old and over will have the best time on this tour,
though all ages are welcome.
Bring hiking boots, water
& sense of adventure

The English Tunnel was started in 1868 as an exploratory tunnel looking for gold bearing quartz veins. Using dynamite, shovels & picks, miners fought their way into the heart of the mountain side. Today the tunnel is a testament to the miner’s skill & remains in perfect condition so you can walk into the past.
The English Tunnel sits in a remote corner of the historic site. Visitors on the tour are lead on a 2 mile hike - round trip - to the tunnel where they will see the tunnel as a miner in 1870s would have seen it - by a candle! Explore the working technique & geology then walk back to SPC.
The hike to the tunnel is 2 miles round trip across moderate slopes. Wear good shoes & bring water.

South Pass City State Historic Site is part of the Department of State Parks & Cultural Resources
This website is funded by the
Friends of South Pass City
A non-profit dedicated to the preservation & interpretation of South Pass City.